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Lyman T. Johnson can be compared with Thurgood Marshall. Marshall was also a well-educated African American just like Johnson. Marshall wanted to further his education at the University of Maryland law school. Marshall was however ejected from attending the University of Maryland simply because he was African American. Even though he was not accepted, Marshall had still attempted to further his education by this time at Howard University, a historical black college in Washington, D.C.


Brown vs. Board of Education is considered to be one of the most important cases of the 20th century and it can be related to Lyman T. Johnson’s achievement at the University of Kentucky. The Brown vs. Board of Education case condoled of a group of parents who had filed a lawsuit on behalf of the kids simply because they were forced to attend an all-black segregated school. Thurgood Marshall had helped challenged the doctrine “Separate but Equal”.  Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Marshall. 

Thurgood Marshall

Thurgood Marshall

Image curiosity  of: Brittanica 

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